Monday, 19 December 2011

Assignment 11: Evaluation Questions Starts Now!

We are already considering our evaluation questions, therefore we were asked to do a presentation about the following questions: 

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 

2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 

3. What have you learned from your audience feedback? 

4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Evaluation phase 1

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Exploring Ideas Draft 3

This is our new presentation about our idea for the documentary. As we are constantly exploring new ideas, it help us to understand more about LGBT, get even further details and information, new ideas and new perspectives, and also consideration in developing new episodes. We have changed our idea into 3 categories, and this presentation helped us to break it down into episodes: 

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Mark Scheme Changes

Today in class we've had a different lesson from the usual. Our teacher went through the new mark scheme for G324 with us, therefore we've done a quiz about its definitions and also assessed a past A2 coursework documentary.

Ancillaries Research and Planning

Our Ancillaries Research and Planning will be an ongoing project, our ancillaries will be done through Photoshop and In design. 
We have to keep researching into listing magazines and newspaper that we possibly want our ancillaries to go in. 
We have to create both a double page spread for a listing magazine and a newspaper advert promoting our documentary


  • TimeOut Magazine
  • Little White Lies
  • Metro
  • Evening Standard 

Monday, 5 December 2011

Exploring Ideas Draft 2

This presentation was made to show our improvement, and the different ideas that we've had come up with. We've got advice from our teacher, and found out that this structure was better than draft 1.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Stonewall Community Research

We've done this research in order to know more about Stonewall, as our topic is very much influenced by them. Stonewall Community Research

LGBT Research

LGBT exploring ideas
View more presentations from alexaranussi.

What does LGBT stands for?

This is a video that we did, asking people if they knew what LGBT stands for, which is a way of research for our target audience, and also to see whether our documentary would be informative.

Homosexuality: Nature vs Nurture

This presentation is about a research to gain more information and to know more about Homosexuality. Whether are you born gay, or do you become gay?Homosexuality nature or nurture

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Colour Code

This post is to clarify that we have changed our chosen colors

- Dafne (purple)

- Alexa (pink)
- Rafaella (green)

When we do a presentation as a group, the color that we use is orange in order to state that we did the presentation as a group.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Assignment 8: Groups and Proposal

Who are you working with?
  1. Dafne Caldatto
  2. Alexa Ranussi
  3. Rafaella Batista
What ideas do you all have?
  1. Dafne - Religion/Role of women/Idolatry
  2. Alexa - Relationships/Homosexuality/Drugs 
  3. Rafaella - Development of the book/Unhealthy Diet/Bullying
Which 3 main ideas would you like to take forward?
  1. Dafne - Religion 
  2. Alexa - Homosexuality within Relationships
  3. Rafaella - Development of the book
Why you are dropping all the other ideas? 
Because we found out that the other ideas, either were too basic or we would face problems to develop it. 

  • Development of Ideas
  • Group work
  • Time management & Organisation of blogger

Assignment 7: Ofcom Research

This is a research I've done in order to understand more about OFCOM and its standards. Ofcom

Friday, 7 October 2011

Assessment Assignment 4: Individual Presentations

This is the class assessment and my self assessment about my 3 documentary ideas individual presentation and Miss. Connell graded me B+/A- overall. 

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Sample storyboard and script

Add caption
ScriptTemplate 2

Storyboard Template 1
Storyboard Template 2 
Storyboard Template 3

Structure Template

This is the 5 minutes structure template that Miss. Connell gave us to follow in our own documentary 

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Media Key Terms and Terminology

Terminology Map

Media Studies Specification A-level

I went into the OCR website, and looked for the specification of our unit G324. I was able to indentify what the Examiner Board is expecting from the candidates in this particular unit.

Saturday, 10 September 2011

Marking Criteria for the Presentation of the Research and Planning

Level 4 16–20 marks
  • Planning and research evidence will be complete and detailed;
  • There is excellent research into similar products and a potential target audience; 
  • There is excellent organisation of actors, locations, costumes or props; 
  • There is excellent work on shotlists, layouts, drafting, scripting or storyboarding;  
  • There is an excellent level of care in the presentation of the research and planning; 
  • Time management is excellent.

Thursday, 8 September 2011

Evaluation of AS course

Course: Unit G321 was about producing an opening sequence of 2mins max of your chosen genre. Although we worked in groups of 3 or 4, my group was of 3 people and at the middle of the year we had issues, so it endend up in pairs. However, we had to work in groups, we were marked individually.

A) CW Grade ___ + Exam Grade ___ = Overall Grade  D 

WWW: Researches/Drafts Deadlines
EBI:     Time Management/Development of Ideas 
Final Marks: Research and Planning: 19/20
                   Construction: 36/60
                   Evaluation: 18/20
WWW: In depth researches/Good effort in understanding topics 
EBI:     Spend more time revising/Practice in writing essays

C) What did you enjoy about year 12 media?
I've enjoyed working in groups, although my group had a problem at the beginning of the year, it helped me built self confidence, and also to have respect on other people's opinions. However, I found the course very interesting, because we get to know more about the media within society, and how does the media affects or interact with its audience. Producing and editing the coursework, was very interesting as we had to use a lot of technologies. Some of the technologies involved, I had never used so it was really useful to learn. 

D) What did you not enjoy about year 12 media?
The media course is very time consuming, therefore you need to be able to give in all of your time and also put in loads of effort, in order to achieve your target grade. Particularly, I have enjoyed all of my course, therefore I'm taking it as A2.

E) What do you want to achieve in year 13 media?
I hope to achieve better results, both in exam and coursework. I'd like to put even more of my time and also my effort on my works, perhaps get useful resources in books and not only in the internet, as I did in year 12. Also, I would like to learn more skills within the technical side of the course, and improve my time management to handle all of the works on time.